Urchinomics, the innovative urchin ranching and restoration venture, is pleased to announce the appointment of Perry Bevin as its new Chief Executive Officer. This strategic move marks an important milestone in Urchinomics’ journey as it enters the next phase of growth. Perry Bevin, who joined the company as Chief Operating Officer in February, brings over three decades of success, driving rapid and sustainable global growth for large-scale organizations and startups across the food, biotech, agriculture, and aquaculture sectors.
With an experienced Chief Executive now in place to look after day-to-day activities, Urchinomics Founder Brian Tsuyoshi Takeda has been given greater freedom to drive the mission and help restore our planet. Urchinomics shareholders have unanimously approved a resolution to allow Takeda to continue representing and advising Urchinomics as Founder, while dedicating 2 days a week to pursue other opportunities that he believes can contribute to the restoration of our planet, with full compensation.
Giles Cadman, Chair of Urchinomics, said, “Brian is one of those rare gems that can do so much more good for the planet if he had more time, so I argued to give him exactly that. We need him to be out there, working his magic, coming up with even more impactful opportunities, and helping us restore our planet, fast!”
Takeda said, “This is literally an ecopreneur´s dream come true. I can continue to help Urchinomics grow in the best way I know, while exploring other impactful opportunities, all while knowing that my investors have my back, and I do not have to worry about bills anymore. This says a lot about Giles and his dedication to our shared mission, as well as our shareholders who unanimously agreed to his radical idea”.
Urchinomics™ is now poised to accelerate its scale-up plans to develop commercial operations in its core markets of Japan, North America, and Europe, and continues investigations to support the restoration of kelp forests globally. The business is one of four, for-profit ventures endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade globally, and has secured the world’s first voluntary blue carbon credits issued for wild kelp restoration.
Takeda will continue to support Urchinomics, as well as other exciting, restorative ventures from his base in Ulsteinvik, Norway.